Welcome to HathawayUK Customer Support Page.
We hope you find all of the answers to the questions you might have here. If for some reason you cannot find what you are looking for, please visit our Contacts Page and let us know how we can help. Thank you, HathawayUK Customer Support Team


How can I configure my e-mail account?
Click here
What if I need more disk space?
You can purchase additional disk space at £2 per month for each additional 5mb of space. Just send us an email with your request, be sure to include your domain name.
What is your policy on adult oriented websites?
HathawayUK does not allow adult websites.
How many email alias' can I have?
Unlimited email alias' forwarded to your HathawayUk hosting email box are free. If you require email alias' to another email box the charge is £2 per month per alias. Just send us an email with your request for additional alias', be sure to include your domain name.
How do you define a web page?
The size of a web page is the same as an A4 piece of paper, so as far as charges are concerned, every page of A4 of text is the equivalent of a web page, however you could use as many as you like on a web page, but the cost would be for a multiple of A4 size equivalent.
How much are extra web pages?
For an A4 size page of just text the price is £50 and for a mixture of text and graphics/photos £80






E-mail Configuration

We have provided setup instructions for 2 of the most common E-mail clients. Please choose your E-mail Program: ·

Customer Support
E-Mail Configuration for Outlook Express
1. Click on the "Tools" Menu and select "Accounts".
2. Click on the "Add" Button and select "Mail".
3. For "Display Name", enter your Real Name as you wish it to be displayed in mail, then click "Next".
4. For "E-Mail Address", enter your Web Country E-Mail Address (username@webcountry.net), then click "Next".
5. Set "My incoming mail server is a" to "POP3" type.
6. Set "Incoming Mail Server" to "mail.webcountry.net".
7. Set "Outgoing Mail Server" to "mail.webcountry.net", then click "Next".
8. Click on the 1st bubble next to "Log On Using:".
9. For "POP Account Name" enter your Web Country UserID in LOWER CASE letters only, and be sure to leave OFF the "@webcountry.net" part.
10. For "Password", enter your webcountry Password in LOWER CASE letters only, then click "Next".
11. For "Internet Mail Account Name", simply leave it as "mail.webcountry.net", then click "Next".
12. For "Choose Connection Type", you should select "Connect using my phone line", then click "Next".
13. For "Dial-Up Connection" click on the 2nd bubble, "Use an existing dial-up connection", and then select the entry you use to connect to Web Country.
14. Then click "Next" and "Finish", and you're done!
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Customer Support
E-Mail Configuration for Netscape Communicator 4
1. Click on the "Edit" Menu and select "Preferences".
2. Double-click on the "Mail & Groups" category.
3. Click the "Identity" option under "Mail & Groups".
4. For "Your Name", enter your Real Name as you wish it to be displayed in mail messages you send out.
5. For "E-Mail Address", enter your Web Country E-Mail Address (username@webcountry.net).
6. Click the "Mail Server" option under "Mail & Groups".
7. For "Mail Server User Name" enter your Web Country UserID in LOWER CASE letters only, and be sure to leave OFF the "@webcountry.net" part.
8. Set "Outgoing Mail Server" to "mail.webcountry.net".
9. Set "Incoming Mail Server" to "mail.webcountry.net".
10. Set the "Mail Server Type" to the "POP3" option.
11. Then click "OK", and you're done!
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